Wednesday, March 18, 2009

For anyone who participated or watched the 2009 Heiva i Honolulu, you were kept aware of the happenings by Master of Ceremony Johann Hironui Bouit. A broadcast journalist by trade, Johann is the anchor for Tahiti Nui Television and an audio-visual producer/director for television, documentary films and commercial projects. He has been involved in over a dozen cultural television productions involving Ori Tahiti.

Johann held the program together with fun and interesting information as well as a preview of his own dancing skills. Not only was he acting as MC, he also was preparing a project for his Pacific Network operation. He has produced a new "Heiva i Honolulu" channel on his website filled with highlights and other videos of Tahitian dance and areas that relate to all the work that goes into dancing and putting the extravagant pageantry and presentations together. Check it out and keep watch for future developments in this great voice for the Tahitian dance community.


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